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A Heartrending Farewell

Mama: Unknown - 30/03/2022

Mama first appeared in our community a few years ago, visibly pregnant and immediately capturing our hearts. After she gave birth, we ensured she and her pups were well cared for. While her puppies found loving homes, Mama stayed behind, becoming a cherished member of our local pack on Promenade Road.

Tragically, on the morning of March 30th, 2022, at precisely 6:55 am, I received a distressing message: ā€œHi, one of the dogs outside the military gate has been injured, thereā€™s a lot of blood.ā€ My heart sank with the realization that it involved one of our pack. I rushed to the scene, fearing the worst.

Upon arrival, the sight was grimā€”blood was everywhere, yet Mama was nowhere to be seen. A kind passerby pointed towards a gutter, where she was hiding, overwhelmed by pain and fear. It took us 40 agonizing minutes to gently coax her out. The sight was heart-wrenching: Mama was critically injured, her tail broken, with three fractures in her hip, two in her left leg, and her bladder detached. The extent of her injuries was severe; she was almost skinned alive.

We immediately wrapped her in a blanket and hurried to Cessna Lifeline. Despite our hopes and the veterinarians’ relentless efforts, Mama’s injuries were too severe. By the time we reached the hospital, she was in a coma and soon after, she crossed the rainbow bridge.

The key issue was that when Congress enacted the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), it gave the president authority to withdraw areas from oil and gas leasing, but made no mention of revoking previous withdrawals.

The pain of losing Mama is profound, and her absence is deeply felt within our community. We are reminded every day of the harsh realities that street animals face. In memory of Mama, we urge everyone to show extra love and care to the community dogs they encounter. Feed them, play with them, hug them, and cherish themā€”do it for Mama, whose life on the streets was a testament to resilience but also a reminder of its perils.

In her final moments, Mama was surrounded by love, comforted by those who cared for her deeply. This gives us some solace. She knew she was loved, and she gave us her love in return. Mama’s presence was a blessing, and her spiritā€”a gentle reminder of the bond we share with our four-legged friends. Rest in peace, dear Mama. May you find endless fields to roam and plenty of chicken to feast on, wherever you are. We will forever hold you in our hearts.


From Starfish to Flying Fish In the quiet whispers of dawn, a tiny heart thumped resiliently in a cardboard box next to a house’s dustbin.

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